October 2018
We had 127 closed residential units in the Big Bear MLS during the month of October 2018. The average price sold was $342,926 with an average price per square foot of $238.98. Sales price to list price was 97.24% and average days on the market were 93.

YTD 2018
YTD (through 10/31/2018) we have had 1011 closed residential units. The average price sold was $333,187 with an average price per square foot of $239.20. Sales price to list price was 97.98% and average days on the market were 89.
Year over year statistics (2017 below) show a decrease of 227 units or -18% YTD. Average price sold is up from $320,049 to $333,187, an increase of $13,138 +4.1% YTD. Average price per square foot is up from $218.88 to $239.20 / an increase of $20.32 per square foot or 9.28%.

YTD 2017
Current inventory is at 516 active residential units, plus 124 pending or in escrow.